Similarity | - SIMILARITY: Belongs to the bacterial solute-binding protein PotD/PotF family. {ECO:0000256|ARBA:ARBA00007173}.
- fasta; BAV2254; bavium; putrescine ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein; length 367 aa; id=48.9%; ; E()=1.8e-71; 356 aa overlap; query 10-362 aa; subject 13-367 aa
- fasta; BB3417; bbronchiseptica; putative polyamine transport protein; length 367 aa; id=48.2%; ; E()=2.3e-71; 353 aa overlap; query 12-362 aa; subject 16-367 aa
- fasta; BP2348; bpertussis; putative polyaminetransport protein; length 367 aa; id=47.6%; ; E()=3.4e-69;353 aa overlap; query 12-362 aa; subject 16-367 aa
- fasta; BPP1691; bparapertussis; putative polyamine transport protein; length 400 aa; id=48.2%; ; E()=5.8e-70; 353 aa overlap; query 12-362 aa; subject 49-400 aa
- fasta; CD1027; cdifficile; spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter, substrate-binding lipoprotein; length 350 aa; id=33.2%; ; E()=6.2e-19; 355 aa overlap; query 10-360 aa; subject 15-349 aa
- fasta; SpyM50959; spyogenes; spermidine/putrescine extracellular binding protein; length 357 aa; id=33.6%; ; E()=2e-16; 333 aa overlap; query 8-339 aa; subject 21-333 aa
Codon Start | |
Uniprot Annotation Score | |
Note | ; evidence=IEA; db_xref=bavium:BAV2254; date=20060221; method=automatic:reciprocal fasta |
Gene | |
Product | Putrescine ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein |
Ortholog | - GeneDB_bavium:BAV2254
- GeneDB_bbronchiseptica:BB3417
- GeneDB_bparapertussis:BPP1691
- GeneDB_bpertussis:BP2348
- GeneDB_cdifficile:CD1027
- GeneDB_spyogenes:SpyM50959
Uniprot Review Status | |
Protein Id | |
Frame | |
Inference | |
Confidence Level | |
Seqid | |
Locus Tag | |
Features | Chain (1); Signal peptide (1) |
Protein Families | Bacterial solute-binding protein PotD/PotF family |
Primary Name | |